Head Injuries


An Article by Worsley Training – First Aid Training in and around Wiltshire


When should you worry about head injuries?

Whenever kids are running around outside it’s not unusual for them bump their heads. So do you know when to worry if they fall from a scooter, bicycle, tree or playground?


Call 999 if they:

• Become unconscious (don’t cry immediately)

• Become drowsy

• Vomit repeatedly and forcefully

• Start to breathe irregularly

• Have a ‘boggy swelling’ which feels soft and wet



• Apply a cold compress to the lump (frozen peas work well when wrapped in a tea towel)

• They should be happy again within 2 hours

• Try to wake them a couple of times during the first night to check

• If any unusual behaviour over the next 48 hours such as extra sleepy, vomit, confused speech / vision / co-ordination, then take straight to the doctor

If in doubt get them checked out. Especially the last bullet point which highlights the symptoms of compression where a bleed within the skull has no escape route so applies pressure to the brain as it grows.


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